Wednesday, April 4, 2012




Same story....  New address.

Autism Gratitude Project 2012 Day 4

Autism Gratitude Project 2012 Day 4  

I am grateful that my perspective has been altered by autism. Material possessions are nothing to me anymore. Whilst financial security would be lovely I'm sure, it pales in comparison to emotional security. Our savings are gone, our possessions are few and our life is stripped back bare. Underneath all of that I found purpose, perspective and most of all love. My boys do not understand nor do they care that the roof under which they live is rented. Most important to them is that it's our home and in that home is me. I was here for every word, every step, every difficult moment of frustration, every night terror, every developmental assessment, every meltdown, every therapy, every milestone, every success whether big or small, everything. My choices may not be for everyone but they were definitely the best ones for me. I am grateful I made THOSE choices early on to forget the "stuff" and focus on the future as the future is very bright for my boys with me on their side!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Autism Gratitude Project Day 3

I am grateful that autism has redefined my preconceived notions of what strength means. I once believed I had to do everything on my own and asking for help was a sign of my weakness or failure. Although I have broad shoulders (metaphorically at least), I reached a point recently where the weight of life events (autism contributed indirectly) was just far too much to bear. I sought help from family/friends/trusted members of my autism support group (in other words my whole "autism family") and in addition to that help I sought counseling from the Salvation Army Counseling Service. I would NEVER have freely or publicly admitted that in the past and it was to my own detriment. Needing help is no longer a source of shame or what I previously would have considered a chink in my armor. It's the complete opposite. Putting my hand up tentatively for help prevented me from sure drowning and STRENGTHENS my armor every day. Although there is pretty much always a battle somewhere in my life, I know I have that strong armor, the "weapon" of a voice not only willing to speak out in advocacy but now speak up in need too and an army of support surrounding me. If not for autism, entering my life and the events following it's rambunctious entrance, over the last however many years, I'm not sure I would have ever realised whispering, asking or shouting for help sometimes is not only what makes us human, but sometimes takes superhuman STRENGTH. For the ability to ask for help and the realisation it's available to me in abundance, I am grateful.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Autism Gratitude Project 2012 Day 2 - HAPPY WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY! 

I am grateful for my beautiful boys, J and H. Today on this special day which celebrates them in all of their wonderful quirkiness and delightful difference AND also on every other day of their lives, I am beyond grateful for them. My dream was to have children. To become a Mum. My dream came true twice. Simple. I am fulfilled, proud, amazed, joyful, overwhelmed, awe struck, drunk with love, fiercely protective, unafraid to FIGHT, unapologetic in my drive to beat a path of AWESOME for their lives and ALL LIT UP BLUE inside and out in gratitude for J and H. They complete me and make me better than I could have ever dreamed of being. In short. I love them to the moon and back, past the stars, through the whole universe and over the great blue yonder beyond any limits. My love is limitless and so are their lives now and forever. SO VERY VERY GRATEFUL. xoxoxoxoxo

♥ Chantelle

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Autism Gratitude Project 2012

For the last two years I've joined a lovely facebook in friend doing an Autism Gratitude Project during April to mark Autism Awareness Month....  I have had one HELLUVA year since last year's gratitude project and after the near demise of my marriage AND near demise of me (see this post for further info on THAT), in large part due to the stress of autism, it would be easy to focus on all the negative things that autism has brought into my life.
I am going to do The Autism Gratitude Project again this year though as it just might be what I need to remind me of all the wonderful things are in my life also in large part due to autism and to maybe even see that the near demise is indeed something to be grateful for one day as it's my hope that the events that damn near broke me will eventually be the step in my journey that strengthened my stride into unbreakable.
So on the day before Autism Awareness Month officially started I marked my gratitude by acknowledging that I'm grateful the above statement reads, NEAR demise on both counts and not ACTUAL demise..... Small but significant steps are being made to move further away from any kind of demise every day. 

Here we go though, it is now April 1st and that means Autism Awareness Month is officially underway.

Happy Autism Awareness Month and please join us on facebook or post below in my comments section if you prefer or maybe just write a journal for yourself but why not join those of us who choose to see the gifts of autism by stating one thing you are grateful or each day during April because autism entered your world.  It can be a positive thought, a happy/flappy story, anything.  I'll start......

Autism Gratitude Project 2012 - Day 1: I am absolutely filled with gratitude to be surrounded by the love and support of some truly remarkable people I've met through autism. The real everyday heroes who literally change the world through their tenacious courage to advocate and constantly fight for their children but who's cup is never running so empty that they can't offer a drink of love and support to their friends fighting beside them. Bravo to my amazingly brave, brilliant, talented and exhausted friends who give a new definition to the word strength. I am grateful for each and every one of you who I would never have met if not for entering this different world of autism/additional needs. You know who you are and each and every one of you raise me up.

Much love to all of those in my world who inspire each other and me.